R.I.P. Kirby Puckett
Written on 9:51 AM by Jack B.
As a Yankee Fan there are other teams that you are distinctively conditioned to root against (i.e. The Boston Red Sox) but one team I always found myself rooting for (except when they played the Yanks) was the Minnesota Twins. Not because of Minnesota itself (since I’ve never been there) but because growing up the Twins were personified by a class-act player by the name of Kirby Puckett. A pudgy guy who played great outfield and hit with the best of them, Puckett led his team to World Championships and success despite it being from one of the smallest markets with one of the cheapest owners. Puckett lost his eyesight due to a relatively rare condition which made him leave the game early (and probably got him elected to the Hall of Fame so quickly) and now again at such an early age (45) he has passed on. He was a man of courage and dignity and incredible skills both on and off the faith and this opposing fan tips my cap to him and sends condolences to all Twin Fans and Kirby Puckett’s friends and family.