Haiku #358 - Fare Thee Well, 2010


Written on 11:09 PM by Jack B.

The year that was not
Bad as I thought it would be
Remembered fondly

Apophysis: Auld Lang Syne


Written on 1:50 PM by Jack B.

Apophysis: Gold Strikes


Written on 10:49 PM by Jack B.

Apophysis: Slow Motion


Written on 6:37 PM by Jack B.

Haiku #357 - The 8th Night of Chanukah


Written on 10:16 PM by Jack B.

Victory of faith
Spread the word forever more
Festival of Lights

Haiku #356 - The 7th Night of Chanukah


Written on 10:39 PM by Jack B.

Presence evident
Lights flicker; do not flame out
Continued burning

Haiku #355 - The 6th Night of Chanukah


Written on 9:28 PM by Jack B.

More time is needed
To make fresh supply of oil
Can light last longer?

Haiku #354 - The 5th Day of Chanukah


Written on 8:39 PM by Jack B.

Drip, drip goes the oil
Into candelabra arms
Tiny flames appear

Haiku #353 - The 4th Night of Chanukah


Written on 10:17 PM by Jack B.

Not enough oil left
To light up the menorah
Need a miracle

Haiku #352 - The 3rd Night of Chanukah


Written on 10:15 PM by Jack B.

Only made possible
By the hammer of Judah
Called the Maccabee

Haiku #351 - The 2nd Night of Chanukah


Written on 11:24 PM by Jack B.

Antiochus reign
Veiled the Holy of Holies
We must cleanse temple

Apophysis: Flaming Eagle


Written on 12:30 AM by Jack B.

Haiku #350 - The 1st Night of Chanukah


Written on 10:59 PM by Jack B.

Victory is won
False gods gone; light must return
Someone get the oil