Written on 11:09 PM by Jack B.
Was a long weekend
Lounging, shopping, some other stuff
Back to the real world
Written on 6:22 PM by Jack B.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Northeast Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak. |
Philadelphia |
The Inland North |
The Midland |
The South |
Boston |
The West |
North Central |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
This quiz seems to be scarily accurate (in my case at least).Hat tip to
Christus Vincit for the link.
Written on 5:38 PM by Jack B.
Past year has been filled
Losses and disappointments
Kept close to the heart
Yet still be grateful
So long as hope still remains
There is abundance
More than just turkey
Food is symbol of blessings
Happy Thanksgiving
Written on 10:07 AM by Jack B.
An old axiom
What is treasure in some eyes
Just junk to others
Written on 11:09 PM by Jack B.
Firefox 2.0 seems to be basically the same things as the old Firefox now with a brand new number at the end and Blogger Beta in addition to being a little buggy is hellava annoying - I have to log in using my Gmail account everytime I want to log onto blogger instead of my old blogger account? Well, that sucks. Sometimes upgrading for the sake of upgrading is just not worth it.
Written on 8:24 PM by Jack B.
I photographed this dude last week talking on the phone and trying to hail a cab on Broadway... and it wasn't even Halloween! One of the reasons I love living in New York - its the only place where something like this would be seen as normal.
Written on 7:56 PM by Jack B.
The Republicans got wacked at the polls – no big surprise... I’m sure some good and decent Republicans got kicked out who didn’t deserve it, buts that’s politics. The people wanted a change (especially in Iraq) and voting is basically the only way most people can send a message. The Democrats didn’t do anything to get elected; they were just the default position for those who wanted to kick out the GOP. Now let’s see if the Democrats can do anything new (I doubt it). Do I sound disillusioned? I am. I voted but only because it was my civic duty, NYC is basically a one-party city (even our Republican mayor was a Democrat who switched parties because it was easier to get through a Republican primary) so everyone knows who’s going to win here anyway.
The one thing I was upset at was the deceptive pro-cloning constitutional amendment passing in Missouri passing by under 50,000 votes. People (mostly wealthy individuals and biotech companies) outspent the anti-Amendment 2 people (which included most churches) by something like $28 million to $3 million. The bill itself was something like 30+ pages long and most people hadn’t read the whole thing – yet they had no problem making it part of their constitution. Oy Vey. The bill purported to ban cloning – but only in the implantation in an actual womb. If someone read further down it specifically allows GOVERNMENT FUNDS for the cloning to infinity of human embryos outside the womb for medical research. In other words the creation of embryos just for the sake of destroying them for their stem cells. What ever happened to only using frozen embryos in fertility clinics since there was SO MANY of them going unused? Why do you need to clone embryos, create dozens more, all just to destroy them? Like I said – deceptive.
Written on 7:39 PM by Jack B.
The elections done
Goodbye campaign commercials
Bad civil discourse